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panafoot: It's a Privilegepan-a-foot (păn' ũh fʊt) v. covering great distances to see more of the world under one s own power
Discussion Forum Only Child Project(Forum closed temporarily because of automated spam bots)
panafootpan-a-foot (păn' ũh fʊt) v. covering great distances to see more of the world under one s own power
panafoot: What's in a Name?Thanks, Jean! Great chronicle. I m stunned by the many 15+ mile days with 3000+ foot elevation, up and down. I ve tagged all the 4000-footers in the White Mountains (New Hampshire) but only had a couple of days with num
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About Us - The Color of MarriageMy wife and I spent a lot of time fighting about issues that should, and could, have been easily resolved if we could have just put away our pride and anger and worked together, instead of against each other. We both had
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